
A Life of Honest Connection

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Blogger's Challenge to You!

If I have learned anything about myself this year, its that I am pretty hard on myself. Even when I have incredibly productive days, or do amazing work in acting class, write something brilliant, or make someone laugh, I often think its not good enough.

Today is December 1st, 2010. We have one month left in this glorious year.  At the start of a new year, after Jan 1, we often sit down and write resolutions of what we resolve to do better in the next year. This month, before resolving what you can do better, I would love to challenge you to look back on 2010 and declare what you did pretty damn well! Instead of focusing on the fact that I didn't make money as an actor this year (yet. there are 30 days left), I will focus on the positive aspects of my career.

I don't care if you choose to list 10 things you did well this year, or one. Take a moment, reflect on the amazing-ness that is you and what you were able to do in a 12 month span and be proud. You should probably pat yourself on the back a little, gloat and share your successes with your friends. I encourage you to challenge your friends, loved ones, co-workers to participate as well! AND I would LOVE it if you would send them to me so I can celebrate you!

Walking my talk, as they say, here goes MY accomplishments for the year 2010. I am going to go month by month, listing at least one thing a month for my career, my self and my personal life.

Feel free to read my successes or move on to cataloging yours!  :)

January 2010 --
 C - Began a new acting class with Dee Wallace where I committed to removing any blocks that stand in my way from being in my power and succeeding in my career.
Did a casting director workshop with Michael Testa. 
S- Worked out 4 times this month and began a new job at the W Hotel.
P- Picked up some extra baby sitting gigs to bring in some more money. Book club!

February 2010 --
C- Filmed Comedy Sketch with Nate and Allison, participated in Directing Scene at AFI. attended master class with Voice Coach Roger Love at SAG, visited my commercial agent. Acting class every Monday, Lots of commercial auditions.
S- Hiked with friends, Did Book Pals training at SAG.
P- Hung out with my dad in Pomona at the Internationals. Hung out with Salma twice. Worked lots of Kids birthday parties.

March 2010 --
C - Auditioned and got called back for a short film at AFI! On avail for a Commercial! Went to a panel at SAG Foundation.  Acting class every Monday.
S- Did some yoga. Attended Dee's amazing Loving Me Playshop! Went on a first date with Elliott. Made an unknown, yet familiar connection with a new friend.
P- Took Salma to see America's Best Dance Crew! and to see the Last Song. Book Club!

April 2010 --
C- Filmed role in "Make it Happen". Game Show Testing. Participated in directing scene at AFI. Acting class every Monday. CD Workshop with Todd Sherry.
S - Went on an adventure in New York, putting my heart out there and giving it a shot, exploring new connection! Had this flash of brilliance, "My heart belongs to me. I am more than happy to share the light, love, joy and experience of it in small doses, large pieces, or the entire thing; but it is not something you will be allowed to possess for it belongs to me."
P- Crystalline Healing massage! One of my best finds of the year!!!

As I write these accomplishments down, even now, flipping through my planner  (did you think I had such an amazing memory?) I find myself judging certain things, I didn't work out enough, I didn't do enough for my career that month. . . wow. This next year I resolve to stop being so hard on myself and just love myself for the amazing person that I am and every little thing I accomplish!

May 2010--
C- Went to a reunion of the Hollywood Showcase, classes I used to take in CO. Had a meeting with prospective agent. Had a meeting with prospective manager. LANDED AMAZING Manager Eileen!!  CD Workshop with Debbie George. CD workshop with Paul Weber. Acting class every Monday.
S- Authentically shared who I am with Eileen, enabling me to land her as the kind of representation I have been dying to have. Had an AMAZING acting class. Went to the Getty!
P- Spent 2 weeks at home with the family, celebrating Gramma W and Billy's graduation from CSU. Moved in with Heather in Pasadena, enabling me to save money and focus on my career.
"True Power is when you are connected to your core and the source that you are."

                                The Whitmore family all together for Grandma Charlotte

June 2010--
C- Did Game show run thrus at ABC. Attended screening of Make it Happen. Met up with Kevin Kahn, career supporter and creative coach :  ) Did a DUET cabaret show at M Bar, where I sang 7 solos songs and 4 duets! WoW!
S- Started taking Cardio Barre classes! kick ass.
P- Book club! Took Salma to the Twilight: Eclipse Premiere! (Thank you Heather~!)

                                            Salma and I at The Twilight: Eclipse after party

"When you authentically feel something in your life, you should honor that feeling. Move into the experience of who you are. We feel, we experience. Stop apologizing for that."

July 2010-- 
C: CD workshop with Marlo Tiede. Audition for Private Practice. Acting class every Monday.
S: Crystalline Healing Massages! Participated in the Smile Portrait Project.
P: Hanging with Salma.

                          Amber Geneva and I in our shoot for the Smile Portrait Project by Faleena Hopkins.
                             Get involved at www.smileportraitproject.com

August 2010 --
C: CD Workshop with Tawny Gurrola Dicce. Participated in Directing Class at AFI. Went to Dallas Traver's free 3 hour class. Auditioned for Glow! Auditioned for Twilight: Breaking Dawn!

P: Attended Cardio Barre class regularly! Had a fabulous birthday party.

September 2010 --
C: CD Workshop with Elizabeth Campbell. CD Workshop with Erik Souliere. CD Workshop with Scott David. Started 6 week Actor's Career Cooperative with Dallas Travers.  Connected with new producing partner, director and editor extraordinaire.
S: Started Shattering the Facade Blog post and decided as a part of my birthday to be as honest and connected with myself as I could throughout this whole year, as well as honestly connecting with everyone I come in contact with.
P: Ballroom Dance classes!!! Cardio Barre regularly as well as walks and hikes.

October 2010--
C: Shot a small part in Glow. Volunteered at the Siren Society's Filmanthropy Film Festival. Dallas's class. Held consistent office hours for my career, working on my goals. Audition for Love Bites. Shot new head shots with Faleena Hopkins. CD Workshop with Jennifer Lare. Wrote Guru Letter to B.A. Blog was featured in Dallas's EZine. Connected with actor/ producers with similar interests. Created commercials for Crash the SuperBowl contest with Patrick.  Auditioned for musical that didn't end in tears!!! Met with Don Goodman about possible photo shoot, future collaborations. Acting class every Monday. Decided to produce and make Partnering, a romantic comedy that I wrote!
S: Psychic Meditation Class. Ballroom. Consistent Cardio Barre.
P: Attended Vanessa's comedy show. Salma. Krista and Jake's Perfect Sound Studio Party!

                                        Kurtis Bedford and I in Glow. Photo by Don Goodman

November 2010--
C: Shameless Audition! Volunteered 5 days at the AFI Film Festival, making lots of great career connections and new friends! Made 4 more Crash the Super Bowl entries! Held a Table read for Partnering! Organized and produced the filming of scenes for our reels, with members of my acting class and Patrick. Started Monthly E Zine. CD Workshop with Kendra Castleberry.
S: Gratitude Meditation led by Kris Cahill. Consistent Cardio Barre. Free writing every morning, followed by grounding and meditation.
P: Disneyland with Salma! The Griffith Observatory with Salma! Impromptu Dinner party!

Wow. Within the process of writing that I managed to make lunch, Facebook a little, watch some DVR, talk to some people on the phone. . . you name it, I distracted myself with it. Self reflection is so hard sometimes and so important.

While the list above may seem only to be a listing of events or things I did this year it helped me to realize a few things. This year I have learned that by authentically sharing who I am with people I allow them the chance to really see me and decide if they want to be a part of my life. I learned that speaking the truth about who you are and what you want out of life doesn't mean using people to get to the top, but allows an honest, open connection in order which to build and foster relationships with people.

One of the biggest lessons I learned this year was that by not going into reaction about a situation and just opening myself up to the idea that everything happens for a reason can lead you to a place or a person you could never have imagined. I met my friend Tony online dating early last year. He and I went on a few dates and had a great time hanging out. However, he was dating other people at the same time and ended up connecting with someone else more than he and I did. He decided to start dating her exclusively and we stopped hanging out. Normally I would have said, f- him, I don't need him, how dare he pick someone else over me. . . BUT, I didn't I just said cool, we'll be friends and it will be awesome. Little did I know that Tony's friends call him The Connector because he's known for connecting people in his life for business and other reasons. Through Tony I met my fabulous new producing partner, director and editor extraordinaire, Patrick. Within the last month or so of knowing Patrick I've been able to create more and move forward in making my own dreams happen, including deciding to produce my own movie! I'm so grateful for Tony and the connection he made with Patrick and I, plus now I have new friends, including his girlfriend Candice! Had I swore off Tony, I would never had made this connection!

Sometimes growing up sucks, but most of the time, making the grown up decision and reacting in a sensible, non-emotional way leads to a much brighter ending!

Whether or not you hung in with me until the end of this blog, I hope you did the exercise of cataloging all of your successes from the year. I have a clearer vision of who I am becoming, who I am and who I want to be, where I want to be and the resolutions I want to make for 2011! This coming year is going to be a magical one. How can it not? It begins on 1-1-11!!

To magic, dreams, and knowing.
Shattering the Truth behind who you really are.
Much Love,