
A Life of Honest Connection

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An Open Letter to China Grill Management as Asia de Cuba Los Angeles Closes its Doors.

The first time I stepped foot into Asia de Cuba in Los Angeles I was blown away, intimidated and excited. I first ventured into ADC in 2004 when I met a friend for dinner. The blonde wood floors, the light, airy design, all the beautiful people that were packed into the small area known as the bar waiting for a table, I immediately felt like I didn't belong, wasn't good enough, not pretty enough, you name it, INTIMIDATED. 9 years later I sit here with the opposite feeling. Asia de Cuba is one of my homes here in Los Angeles.

 In 2005 I found myself looking for a better serving gig, one that would give me the freedom to pursue my acting career, with flexibility of not only time, but my money as well. I remembered what an incredible experience I had had dining at ADC and wandered in off Sunset asking for an application. The universe aligned and a few months later I got a call. I shouldn't have been hired at ADC, not because I wasn't qualified for the job, but because at that time they ONLY hired people that were a direct reference from someone that already worked at the restaurant and I didn't have that. I've never been more excited to hear from a restaurant for a job. I missed the first call and saw the number on our Caller ID, frantic that they wouldn't call again. I anxiously awaited another phone call and when they finally called I was ecstatic. After 5 interviews (they were switching F&B directors so I had to return to meet the new one) I was hired. I spent every week after calling and asking when my training was going to start! Needless to say, the job I left, though full of amazing staff that worked there, was difficult due to demanding clientele and their imminent plan to steal my soul.

 On Day ONE of training at Asia de Cuba I knew I had been asked to be a part of something magical. Each and every one of the 4 trainers embraced this restaurant as if it were their own. I would quickly learn that this is because it is a commandment of China Grill that each and every employee take ownership of their restaurant. Our feedback was valued, listened to and treated as though we were owners in the company. Not every idea, issue or complaint was handled in the way we thought it should be, but we were heard, respected and valued in your company. I learned not to just wait tables and to serve people but rather to treat them as if they were a guest in my home commanding respect from them, but treating them as though they were very close friends and family members. We were taught not to serve customers, but people. We were challenged to speak up in the kitchen if a dish didn't turn out right, to listen to tables when they said something was wrong, to care enough to take it to the chef and make sure that the quality of food stayed the same. If we had an issue or a challenge we were allowed to speak up in Quality Circles, a bi-weekly forum where each of us got the floor, with no one allowed to respond, and were encouraged to not just complain, but to come up with a solution to the problem first.
The company motto: Have Fun and Make Money! I think this is genius! If your staff is having fun and making money, your guests are having fun and your company is making money! Simple. Logical. Real.

I've learned amazing lessons applicable to real life in the 6 Principles we all Live By,
 1. We Work as a Team
 2. We're Always Looking to Do More
 3. We Constantly Communicate with One Another
 4. We're Careful
 5. We Treat One Another With Respect
 6. We Leave Our Personal Problems at the Door.

 I feel that the lessons I've learned her are so incredible I've developed a workshop for improvisers and actors on how to be better servers!

 It is unbelievable that I have become so attached to a restaurant gig. The crazy thing is, I'm not the only one. I've worked here for 8 1/2 years and in some sense, I'm still a rookie. There are people who have been here since the beginning, all 14 years. It's a tough place to leave, not only with consistent money and happy guests, but its like ripping yourself away from family. The family of staff that has kept this thing going for the last 14 years are what have made it magical. They took the guidance, commandments and the 6 principles we live by and ran with them. Thank you for hiring all of the amazing people that I consider family.

Thank you for providing an incredible eating experience of Asian and Latin fusion, Calamari salad, Char Sui Beef Short Ribs and Cuban Opera. A guest once told me that the quality of food at ADC was better than it had to be (because of the incredible view and ambiance) but it never slipped. I can count on maybe my 2 hands and 1 foot the number of tables that didn't like the food. And in all honesty they were probably crazy.

 To all of the guests that I have had the pleasure of creating memories for, thank you. I'm as devastated as you are that there won't be an Asia de Cuba in the Mondrian hotel anymore. I have overseen numerous proposals, anniversaries, birthdays, celebrations and bachelorette parties (don't worry ladies, your secrets are safe with us). I'm devastated to think of the guests who return every year on their anniversary because, this is where he proposed, who will come next year and find that ADC and their memories will forever only be a memory.

 To everyone who has come in to eat lately and gasped in horror at the news of the closing, saying, "No, I love this place, its one of my favorites." I say to you, Where have you been the last 5 years? Our guest counts have continued to decline and business has definitely slowed down, so its not completely illogical that there would be a change in restaurants here at the Mondrian hotel. Just remember that if you love a restaurant, a store, a movie theatre, patronize it and spend money there or eventually it will go away. This is the reason I buy actual books at physical book stores because I love them so much and I don't want them all to disappear.

 Yes, we move forward and yes I will be a part of Brian Malarkey's exciting new Herringbone in the Mondrian Hotel! I know that everything I learned at Asia de Cuba will make me, make all of us that are continuing on at Herringbone, amazing servers, hosts, bartenders, assistants, runners, and chefs that will enhance and embrace our new home.

 Thank you to each and every one of my fellow ADC Los Angeles Family Members YOU are what made this job magical, fun, exciting and yes, sometimes frustrating, but we always stuck together and managed to hug it out (with much chagrin to Francine the Sexual Harassment Trainer).

China Grill, Jeffrey, Claude, Neil, Jack, John and Luke know that you have Magic in your hands and the world will be devastated if you don't bring Asia de Cuba back to the masses, OR provide us all with flights to London or Russia to enjoy the remaining Asia de Cuba's! For weeks now we have been experiencing incredible memories and endless compliments of guests who love our food and simply can't imagine a world without Avocado Fried Rice. I am one of them.

Thank you.