The lyric, "Those three words are said too much, they're not enough" are my favorite. I assume they're talking about "I love you" when they refer to those three words. I connect with this on a deep level. It seems as though I love you has become too easy to say, easy to throw around and blurt out in a moment of passion, or a passing goodbye. Which got me thinking, what would I rather hear from my partner, lover, husband, mate, the one, instead of "I Love You"?
To me, I'm IN Love with you, has always felt bigger, more truthful. Its so easy to love someone, but to be IN love with someone, is breathtaking, life changing. Love is so powerful and to be able to step into LOVE with someone is what we're all hoping to experience in our lives, isn't it? To be IN love with someone intimates that you're in it together, that this is a dual experience, its not one sided, its reciprocated and you're on a magical journey together. Being IN Love with someone is a choice, not just a happenstance. Sure, we like to say I'm falling in love with you, because love can feel like that. Like you're suddenly hurtling towards an unknown experience with the wind in your hair, no control over where you'll land, if you'll land or if it will be a soft or a hard landing. If you're lucky you keep flying, catching bursts of wind that pull you back into the clouds, amongst the stars, dancing together.
Are there other phrases you would rather hear than I love you?
Here are some that I thought might be nice.
I can't breathe without you.
You compliment me better than anyone or anything.
You inspire me.
I don't want to live without you.
You Changed my Life.
Let's dance.