One thing that has always suffered due to my financial rollercoaster is my commitment to working out and eating right. When I feel secure in my finances and have enough money, I am pretty consistently working out. I love Cardio Barre classes. They are an amped up ballet class that is a total body workout, low impact, core strengthening, great cardio workout! They never get easy, you get stronger, but because your body is the main weight you're working out with, you continue to find the workout challenging. I'm never bored and it makes me feel like a dancer again. I LOVE dancing. (Something else I don't do enough of because I don't have the money to take classes)
The other day I had an AHA moment. There is one thing I typically don't even think twice about spending money on; eating out and drinking alcohol. Which in all honesty usually isn't something that's all that good for me. I don't make great choices when I eat out. Throw a few glasses of wine down my gullet (I just used the word gullet and wine in one sentence) and my choices in food selection get even worse. The next day I feel terrible about my choices, beat myself up and want to go workout. But, I don't. I can't afford it remember?
Here's the aha moment. . . what if I took that money I used on eating poorly and drinking wine to pay for exercise classes? I can easily spend upwards of $50 a week eating out and drinking, so why not shift that money to Cardio Barre classes? At $16 a pop that easily covers 3 classes at Cardio Barre. 3 times a week at CB would be ideal and it would be hard, but I would be able to regain the muscle I lost being injured pretty quickly. I would feel better about myself, my skin would glow, I'd have more energy and I'd be in a great mood which would ultimately all magnetize more money, better opportunities and acting gigs into my world. . . a brilliant little circle that seemed like a vicious cycle before!
Can we talk for a moment about the cost of eating healthy? It's an argument we hear over and over that the reason some people are overweight is because they simply can't afford to buy healthy things. My number one argument to this has become Quinoa. Have you ever MADE quinoa? It's super simple, easy and delicious, not to mention has a ton of protein and great nutrients in it. . . but number one. . . a CUP of quinoa makes a ridiculous amount. You can usually get 2-3 cups out of a package that costs $3.99. Though once its made it provides almost double that. If I had a large family that I was struggling to feed you can guarantee that I would be making that frequently. There are a few other things I can think of that would be easy to supplement into your life that are easy to make as well as provide lots of nutrition. Lentils. Black Beans.
One of my favorite easy to make and delicious to eat meals can be made in under 10 minutes. I take a medium sized saucepan, toss in a can of Black Beans, Broccoli Florets, tomatoes, chopped asparagus, chopped onion, and any other vegetables I have and want to use. Stir it up. Put a lid on it and cook at a medium heat for 5-8 minutes. The lid provides a little bit of steam which softens the vegetables and mixes the flavors together! Done. High in protein and nutrients from veggies.
There really are no reasons to not eat healthy and work out, just excuses.
I read "Crazy, Sexy, Diet" by Kris Carr recently and in it she said, "Think of yourself at a young age, as an impressionable child. How would you treat that child if you were its parent? Of course you would want to feed that child the best food, make sure they got a lot of sunshine, slept enough at night and drank enough water." I'm paraphrasing, but when I read that it just made so much sense. I will definitely be taking better care of my inner child as well as my exterior adult self. It just makes life so much easier!
Anyone want to do a 21 day adventure cleanse with me? Starting soon! Pick up your copy of Kris Carr's "Crazy, Sexy, Diet" and get ready!! It's an ADVENTURE cleanse! Just sounds fun!