
A Life of Honest Connection

Friday, October 8, 2010

Can Hollywood Shatter its "Blockbuster" Image and help Heal and Change the world?

I am an actor.

I am a writer.

I am a producer.

I Long to use my talents to help heal and change the world. To better our lives and the humanity that resides in each of us, whether it be through broad, healing strokes or minute, specific pin pricks that resonate with one person.

As some of you know, I've been doing a little online dating, why not?! Everyone else seems to be doing it. Recently I came across the profile of a very attractive man, one who seems to have it all together. He teaches highschool and coaches the football team, his ultimate goal is to open a clinic to treat disadvantaged children, Additionally, he teaches female recruits for the LAPD in self defense and fighting tactics. He does volunteer work mentoring kids at risk. He also is in shape, likes to work out, can have more fun at Disneyland than a kid does, is generous to a fault and not to mention is 6'3" and gorgeous. He's got it all, looks, smarts, sense of adventure, I would be a FOOL not to pursue this guy.

Anywho, I contacted Mr Perfect and we struck up a little back and forth. On first mention that I was an <gasp> actor, he was done. Said no thank you. . . etc. Of course, I should have said, Great. Not the guy for me. . . I should have. . . I pressed on, insisting that being an actor does not DEFINE everything about me and that just because he had a stereotypical view of all actors that I don't necessarily fit into that mold. I shared with him my dreams and desires to change and better the world through film, acting and writing. He has very strong opinions about Hollywood and insists that they do no good. Maybe it's the title,  "Hollywood". I don't necessarily view Hollywood as only the decision makers, and the major studios, etc. But perhaps he is?

Recently, he asked me this.

"In your opinion is there a specific movie made over the past five years that has truly had a positive affect on society? If so give me some examples of how it made a difference."

I started thinking and even asked some of my friends what they thought.

~ BROAD STROKES of Change ~

One of the first movies that comes to mind is, "The Blindside", last years film that won Sandra Bullock an Academy Award. In my opinion, that movie helped open people's minds in regards to race, differences in social and economic stature, being able to help someone who needs you and realizing that sometimes its not a WHOLE WORLD of people who need your help, but that in helping that ONE person, you can change their WHOLE WORLD for the better.

Movies like, "Milk" that are based on True Events can help bring awareness to a cause. This one being the gays and the struggles they have had to face in fighting for equality. Sure, they are still fighting for it, but who is to say that audiences who saw Milk didn't leave the theatre thinking, wow, I didn't realize that Gay people have had it so rough. You know, they should have the right to marry. It's an uphill battle of course, but in my opinion if a few people left that theatre thinking, wow, how terrible. Can you imagine if someone treated me in that way? Then that movie was a success.


As an actor, healing the world through my art has a much broader, yet simpler meaning. Let me explain myself. If I am in a movie where I play a character that is a victim of abuse, and ONE person comes to the movie that has suffered from abuse, and they are somehow healed or moved through my performance, I have done my job. It may seem small and irrelevant to the WHOLE WORLD, but can make a difference in that victim's WHOLE WORLD, enabling them to release what has been holding them back. Perhaps it allows them to heal and speak out about what happened to them, therefore helping a handful of other people heal. Those people heal themselves and in turn reach out to other victims of abuse, allowing them to smile more, hold doors open for people, be kinder, gentler, more open in their humanity and THAT will always change the world. It's a delightful SNOWBALL of reaction from one seemingly silly part in a silly movie with that new actress Elizabeth Mihelich that no one really went and saw.

This is an art and a passion that I can get behind. I also see Hollywood as a driving force for change in the world because of the expanse of influence that it has, the money it is able to put behind the movies, and the celebrities, who can reach more people in a day,  just by living open, giving, and compassionate lives.


I have an amazing friend, who is a documentary filmmaker. She set out on making a documentary about the children of Cambodia who live on the street, are orphans, and spend their days digging through the dumps in search of treasure. I KNOW that her efforts and her movie, Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children has made a difference in the world, because she is still in contact with all of the children. She has helped place them in schools so they are learning and becoming educated. She visits them multiple times a year and because of the amazing, Heather Connell, they have learned that there are people in the world they can trust and rely on to help them. I KNOW that the kids she has helped will one day reach out and help someone else, because they were helped one day. She changed their WHOLE WORLD and I know one day they will strive to better the WHOLE WORLD.  Not to mention the fact that while in Cambodia, she connected with a young handicapped boy, Sum Namg, at an orphanage, learned that there was really no place for him to learn or grow, because of his disability, and she sprang into action. She is currently building a school for handi-capped children in Cambodia called Safe Haven. You tell me that film does not make a difference in lives after that?

Of course, Hollywood isn't perfect. Of course there are bad people in it that only have money and greed in mind. Of course. There are people like that in every industry of the world. I refuse to believe that we have no influence over the world. Artists are catalysts for change. John Lennon continues to change the world everyday and he's been gone from this planet for a long time. Thankfully, his music and his messages of "All You Need is Love" survive. Lucille Ball still brightens the days of people who had a rotten day at the office, they come home, turn on the tv and get a good belly laugh, because re-runs of "I Love Lucy" are on. Laughter is one of the most healing properties we have to work with. Even silly little sitcoms and crazy over the top comedies like Airplane! heal the world every single day because they help us laugh, they lighten our load and they allow us to open our hearts.

Please feel free to comment on this blog with movies that have inspired you, changed the world or that have simply brought a smile to your face when you needed it the most.

I am most grateful to Mr Perfect for pushing me to define WHY I pursue this passion with such tenacity and drive everyday of my life.

I believe in Love.
I believe in Peace.
And I believe that within each and everyone of us lies the power to Change and Heal the World.

Please honor Heather and her efforts to better the world by checking out her movie, Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children by renting it on Netflix or going here http://store.cinemalibrestore.com/smallvoices.html to purchase the DVD.

"Like" Small Voice on FB here, http://www.facebook.com/#!/smallvoicesmovie !

Follow Safe Haven's progress on FaceBook also, here http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Safe-Haven-School/148444011848303?v=wall

Shatter away.



  1. The guy's a jerk. The person I know who makes the biggest difference in the world is an actress. She doesn't do it through her acting necessarily, but rather through an organization that advocates for refugees in Africa. But if someone judged her value in the world because her profession is actress I would say that person is, yes, a jerk.

  2. Thank you for your post. I love and am proud of being an actor too. I hope our paths cross someday and we get to work together because I believe actors like us who not only strive for success as actors, but also strive to do work that move and touches people, that are aware that our success as actors is important because it frees us up to serve humanity, will find each other and change the world.

    Much peace,

  3. As far as movies that have had a positive social impact:

    "Mrs. Doubtfire" - There were a lot of kids dealing with divorced parents, and this gave them a comedic framework in which to understand the finality of the event without blaming themselves.

    "Pay it Forward" - Sure it probably only led to actual good works for a few days after the movie was released, but I saw a number of students at the schools where I taught instituting pay it forward programs.

    "An Inconvenient Truth" - It helped clarify what global warming was and the potential severity of the issue for a lot of people.

    At least to me, the most wonderful thing about art is that it can allow the viewer/reader to recognize that they are not alone. That someone shares their view on the world, and in what can be a big lonely place, that's invaluable.


    And now for some totally unsolicited commentary:
    A lot of people I have met in LA have a policy of not dating actors. I'm an actor myself and have an aversion to dating other actors.

    I suspect Mr. Perfect's no actor policy has little to do with film/tv not having "a positive affect on society," and more to do with his perception of the issues he is liable to run into dating an actor:
    -Drama, drama, drama.
    -A partner with an intense need for validation from strangers.
    -A partner with incredibly long and inconsistent work hours.
    -A partner who has to travel for work, sometimes for months at a time.
    -A partner who is likely to be on the economic margin for most of their lives (assuming acting is their primary revenue stream)
    -Having to console a partner through the emotional highs and lows that come from the auditioning process.
    -That actor is one of the top 50 professions most likely to divorce.

    Now this isn't to say that the above descriptors are true for you, but it might be a preview of what's playing into Mr. Perfect's resistant mindset.

    IMO, he may be a wonderful guy, but it doesn't sound like he's a wonderful guy for you. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who respects you, and what you have chosen to do with your life.

  4. Thank you so much for the inspiration Elizabeth! To anyone interested: I am in the process of getting concerned actors/writers/producers/etc. together on a weekly basis who would like to use their craft for positive change in a social justice theatre setting (hoping to expand to other media outlets like film and TV). I was involved in a social justice theatre troupe in college that took an multiple issues (i.e. racism, apathy, class, sexism, religious differences, politics, etc.) and performed a show of skits about them. Feel free to email me at michaeljsielaff@gmail.com for more information (and check out my website at www.michaeljsielaff.com to find out more about me). Thank you for your time!

  5. "The Lord of the Rings": the smallest creature in Middle-Earth holds the greatest evil in his hands, and says "What do I need to do?"

    "Food, Inc" made me take the final leap into vegetarianism that I've been flirting with for years. And I'm healthier for it, too.

    Billy Crystal's character on "Soap" had a ground-breaking effect on the Gay and Lesbian community.

    "Roots" launched a new decade of inter-racial understanding and tolerance.

    I could go on and on, really.

  6. Thank you for your post. I am an actor/writer as well and am driven by the desire to uplift the world through film. There are too many examples of powerful films to list, but here are a few off the top of my head: All of the following, not only inspire or enlighten but do it with humor:)

    Raising Helen - inspiring to young mothers who think they are alone in their lack of maternal instincts, but are stronger than they think!

    Jersey Girl - inspiring tale of putting children ahead of selfish dreams..

    The Rookie - True story that inspires all of us with the hope that dreams can come true after 35!!

    Men of Honor - Another true story that inspires us to beleive that we can do anything!

    Bruce Almighty - Jim Carrey's wacky journey reminds us to pay attention to the gifts given to us, and to use them to make the world a better place! Amen!

    even Sweet Home Alabama reminds us to remember who we are and stay true to it!

    i could not agree more, and if Mr. Perfect still cannot understand your passion even after reading our comments then it's time to move on girly!

    Gerri Garrick

  7. great post Elizabeth
    I can very much relate to all shared by you and others
    so many moving films which have changed many people's lives
    all the best in your career as an actress from an actress,
    Diane Hsu

  8. What a great post! As an actress, I agree that we can reach people in ways that other people can't. In their every day lives, people have a very hard time facing and accepting the truth. But through acting, we speak to people in a way that allows them to open themselves to truth, beauty, and love, in a way that's safe for them. That is a HUGE contribution to human psychology and society! One of my first acting gigs was a music video about young teenage girls forced into prostitution called Believe In Me. I play a girl whose true story was having her braces ripped from her teeth by her pimp. Please look it up to support a very good cause. And keep acting alive! We are valuable! A movie that recently changed my life: Eat Pray Love.
